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I'll have to check back later and see if I can watch these~ they aren't coming through right now. My daughter LOVES "The Princess Diaries" movie and the lovely tea they enjoy there. I agree~ relaxed manners are better.

Have a lovely week!


Albeit a bit stuffy, these were indeed fun to watch! Thanks for sharing.

Karen Sweet Necessi-Teas

I loved seeing the old videos. My how times have changed! Thanks for sharing...I hope to see your tea table soon.

ellen b

Ha! That was fun. I'm glad you dug them up for us to see. I too am happy for a more relaxed style these days...

Vee~A Haven for Vee

That was interesting... I enjoyed seeing the linens and the dishes. Those old silver tea sets were quite something! Thank you for sharing these old videos.


I am so glad I took some time to watch the videos. They were delightful! I am glad times have changed, but I did actually pick up a couple of tips. Thanks for posting those!


There is something very special about the elegant and formal tea's of your mother's and grandmother's day. But, I really like how the ritual of afternoon tea has become more vintage chic and intimate --- making way for great conversation and even more special times with friends!

Thanks for sharing!

Miss Sandy

What a great blast from the past! We saw similar video's, actually they were film strips in Home Economics Class in Jr. High and High School. They were out dated even then! These look like they are from the fifties as my mother had similar dresses and heels then. Thank you for sharing this, I had so much fun viewing it. I too am glad I can be a bit more informal at tea time!

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